Government Purchasing Event

The Construction Business Development Center is connecting small businesses with contracting, purchasing, or procurement opportunities available in the Rockford Region.

Join the Construction Business Development Center, SBDC, and Technical Assistance at Rock Valley College to learn how your small business can access these government opportunities.


  • Distribution of capital spending plans
  • Networking sessions with vendors
  • Breakout sessions, panels for companies, and agencies to present to the attendees on purchasing and procurement opportunities

March 20, 2019, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Stenstrom Center, Rock Valley College
4151 Samuelson Rd, Rockford

This event is free to attend.

Contact Erin Violette at 708.709.391 or at with questions, to register for a booth, if you are interested in conducting a breakout session, or participating on a panel for purchasing and procurement.