Matchmaking FAQs

Matchmaking is one of the highlights of the Midwest Aerospace Conference, and this year, we’re amping up our matchmaking abilities by partnering with govmates! Read through the most frequently asked questions to learn more about the matchmaking process.

What is matchmaking?

Matchmaking is when buyers and sellers are connected based on specific criteria that matches their business needs and interest. Personalized 1:1 meetings are scheduled and companies are given the opportunity to make personal connections with potential buyers of their products or services.

What is a buyer?

A buyer is a federal agency, large prime or systems integrator, prime contractor.

What is a seller?

A seller is a small business or non-traditional contractor for federal procurement opportunities.

Who is govmates?

Govmates is a teaming-partner platform for federal contractors that takes a formulaic and methodical approach to matching buyers and sellers, to provide a wider breadth of participants in the matchmaking session.

How does the matchmaking process work?

In advance of the event, govmates collects granular information from both buyers and sellers.

Buyer: Each organization (federal agency, large prime or systems integrator, prime contractor) provides specific criteria they seek in a business partner. This criteria is broken down by Capabilities, Customer Past Performance, Contract Vehicles, Set-Asides, and a few additional categories.

Sellers: Each business creates a matchmaking profile via the event matchmaking site. Seller profiles contain information including Capabilities, Customer Past Performance, Contract Vehicles, Set-asides, Clearances, Certifications, etc. that will be used to match their organizations to participating buyers.

Utilizing relevance scoring, govmates then uses buyer-supplied criteria to match the participating sellers. Then, 1:1 meetings are scheduled and take place in 15-minute increments between the organizations at the MAC2023 Conference on September 20 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Rockford, IL.

What information is provided prior to matchmaking meetings?

To be best prepared for these meetings, buyers are provided with participating seller profiles in advance, and sellers are provided with desired criteria provided from the buyers.  

What is the goal of matchmaking?

Our goal with this event is to foster collaboration and partnerships in the business community while providing Rockford-area companies access to more prime contractors with the intention to increase sales. We believe that teaming partnerships are a key component for small business growth, and we are proud to bring together our ecosystem to support non-traditional engagement.

How do I register my company for matchmaking at the MAC2023 Conference?

Once you’ve registered and paid for the MAC2023 Conference, you’ll have the option to select the matchmaking add-on. MAC2023 Conference Registration is required to be eligible for the govmates matchmaking process. Earlybird registration rates close August 11.

Does each individual attendee from my company need to be register for matchmaking?

No. All individuals need to be registered for the conference, only the company will register for matchmaking.

Example: Five people from Aerospace Company want to attend the event and do matchmaking, that’s five conference registration fees and one matchmaking fee. 

How much does matchmaking at the MAC2023 Conference cost?

The early bird fee for matchmaking is $125. After August 11, the fee goes up to $175. Register early to maximize your ability to find good matches!

When does matchmaking registration close?

Registration for matchmaking ends September 13.

Participating Companies


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