Earlier today (Monday, September 11, 2017) an international news conference took place at Rockford City Hall with partners in Sweden (via Skype). Leaders in Rockford, IL, Madison, WI and Lidköping and Skaraborg signed a new Industrial Partnership Agreement. Remarks were given by representatives from partner organizations; City of Rockford; Winnebago County; SwedishAmerican Health System, Sustain Dane, City of Lidköping and the County of Skaraborg.
The news conference highlighted outcomes and successes of the over ten-year long partnership in place between the regions and discussed areas of focus for the next three years. The main results of the partnership are job growth, joint ventures, educational partnerships and increased community wealth. The original Industrial Partnership Agreement was signed in 2006 between the City of Rockford and the City of Lidköping. The aim of the partnership is to help respective regions grow locally by working globally.
Though many cities have sister-city relationships, the Industrial Partnership Agreement is worldly unique. This agreement is more of an economic development tool, navigation and networking tool that help organizations and companies to grow locally by working globally.
Linnea Bengtsson
International Business Developer
City Head Office
City of Lidköping & County of Skaraborg (Sweden)