Report: Rockford Rescue Mission broke ground on a two-story addition to Pitney Place

Rockford Rescue Mission Expansion

ROCKFORD, April 28 — WIFR reported on Rockford Rescue Mission‘s groundbreaking today for a two-story addition to be built on the back of Hope Place. The ground floor will include the Women’s Crisis Center and an emergency shelter. The second floor will be a long-term program center; housing 120 beds, some classrooms, childcare rooms and a salon and fitness center.

Rockford Register Star reports that Remedies Renewing Lives, a domestic violence and addiction treatment center, has announced a 28,000 SF facility to be built on the city’s east side. The Rescue Mission gets a lot of overflow from Remedies and will be able to better accommodate that overflow with the two-story add-on. The goal is to eliminate the number of people the facilities must turn away each year.

Read the full WIFR article.

Read the full RRStar article.


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