ROCKFORD, April 16 — More than 30 business representatives learned about becoming more efficient and profitable by attending the “Taking Your Business International” workshop, held today at NIU Rockford. Subject areas included determining export readiness, finding international trade partners, navigating global logistics and steering clear of legal risks. Speakers who promoted international trade resources included:
Clement offered detailed layers of guidance on the documentation side and encouraged businesses to “do your homework and “seek help.” But he also spoke to everyone’s common sense. “Know your customers. If you don’t, you’re setting yourself up for major failure,” he said. For example, sending the wrong flowers or writing in the wrong color could denote death in another country. Or something as simple as crossing your feet while sitting can be an insult. Clement also showed how understanding your partner’s culture can work to your advantage. He once complimented a man on his tie and the man took it off and gave it to him. So later, Clement returned the favor after receiving a compliment on his tie, and the man was flattered that Clement remembered the gesture. “I made a friend for life,” he said. Local companies shared their expertise and advice as well:
Mr. Wijayanto, Director of the Indonesia Trade Promotion Center in Chicago, also made a presentation. He said “the potential of Indonesia is very huge.” Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil in the world and also known for coffee, cocoa and rubber products. The country has the 10th-largest economy in the world. In 2010, U.S. exports to Indonesia equaled $6.94 billion; last year that number topped $8 billion. For a photo gallery from the morning, see the RAEDC Facebook page. See UPS Illinois on Twitter here. Why this event is important (key stats):
(Sources for #1 and #3 are U.S. Census Bureau and the International Trade Administration, both segments of the Department of Commerce. Source for #2 is the Small Business Administration.) |