Letters to the Rockford Region – June 2017

Talent Supply Chain

The Rockford Region has established nimble, industry specific, and customized education-to-workforce pipelines ensuring the region has the skilled workforce essential to fulfilling the requirements of sticky jobs. Jobs that are good today, tomorrow, and into the future.

Workforce availability and quality is the deciding factor for businesses when selecting locations to expand or relocate. Many communities talk about workforce development; the
Rockford Region is doing something about it through programs and partnerships such as

  • Northern Illinois University and Rock Valley College’s ABET accredited, four-year bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering benefiting the aerospace and advanced manufacturing industries
  • The Rock Valley College Aviation Maintenance Technology Program that provides talent directly to the AAR maintenance repair and overhaul facility at the Chicago Rockford International Airport
  • Rockford Public Schools District 205 and Rockford University’s Education Pathway to promote teaching careers locally
  • The Rock Valley College and the Saint Anthony College of Nursing four-year nursing degree benefiting the region’s healthcare industry

Ensuring the Rockford Region has a skilled workforce requires community collaboration to continue the momentum towards establishing sustainable education-to-workforce pipelines that will propel the region to Top 25 status.

Learn more about the Rockford Region’s talent supply chain and education-to-workforce pipeline.